Guitar Foundation of America and KinderGuitar

Leo Garcia, founder of KinderGuitar, LLC., will be giving a lecture “KinderGuitar – A Model for Building a Musical Community” at the 2015 Guitar Foundation of America International Convention and Competition in Oklahoma City this summer. If you have an interest in educating the future generation of guitarists, we hope to see you there!

Spring Concert Highlights

Another spring concert has brought our KinderGuitar community together. Students ages 5-17, some veteran performers and some first-time performers, prepared solos, duets, trios, and even some quartets for an eager and excited audience of parents, siblings, friends, and family. Performers played folksong arrangements for multiple guitars, rounds, Spanish music, music from both the classical […]


Recently, our Licensed and Certified KinderGuitar Teacher, Rodney Burr, appeared on KASA Fox 2 Live. His KinderGuitar NM has grown tremendously this last year and is getting the attention it deserves. Rodney’s expertise with the KinderGuitar curriculum is quite evident: one of his talented students performed a very difficult song for someone only in […]